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You may remember about a year ago I posted a story of a bride getting married on Memorial Day weekend. Well, this isn’t the same post but it’s the same family! Ashley graciously asked me to do her hair for her wedding and I was super excited to oblige!

Here’s the story. Amber got married on Memorial Day weekend last year and a few weeks later her sister, Ashley, got engaged (What a smart man to wait until after the wedding for each girl to get their day of glory!). And a few DAYS later she asked me to do her hair… almost a year in advance! Well, I was super excited to do her hair but I also had booked a wedding to photograph the Friday night before AND that very day…on top of being 6 1/2 months pregnant! (What was I thinking?) But I love this family and wouldn’t have wanted to miss being part of the day in some fashion so I was happy to be there for sure!

So, enjoy a few step-by-step photos of her updo….


Ta-Da! Ready to walk down the asile.


One of my favorite photos. These are all the girls that were in the wedding party who also come to me get their hair done. I love them all!


(All Photos courtesy of B.Fisher Photography – Thanks Beth! I wish I could have gotten a pic of you and I too!)

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