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Arianna Wilhelmina | Birthstory

Long-awaited joy. That’s what Arianna Wilhelmina is to Mark and Amy.

Arianna was named after her great-grandmother, Wilhelmina. I know Amy wishes her Grammy could have been around to meet sweet Arianna Wilhelmina. I know Amy shared with her Grammy the long time she and Mark waited to become parents. And sadly, when the day arrived that Arianna was born, Grammy had already been gone for half a year. Amy has shared with me how sad it is to move along though life without her grandma. But I’ve heard first-hand from Amy that Grammy would have wanted joy. She would have wanted nothing but pure joy for Mark and Amy. And it’s so easy for this couple to revel in this newfound joy when you see Arianna’s beautiful face.

Please enjoy this cherished birthstory of redeemed happiness and patience for a love this couple has never known before today.

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