Donna Harris Photography bio picture

David and Jessica | Married

Jessie and Dave had the perfect day: A wonderful ceremony and fun reception coupled with gorgeous weather and loving friends and family in attendance…what more could you ask for on your wedding day?




On this day, and for the ceremony only, I was the covert wedding photographer. For whatever reason, I was told that the professional photographer was not allowed past the seated guests for photography. This means all photographs were to be taken from the BACK of the church the entire time. No shots of bridal party walking down the aisle, no ring bearer, no flower girl entrance, no shot of the dad walking his daughter down the aisle – yep, you read that right. NO shot of bride and daddy going down the aisle. Are you kidding me?! You can’t recreate that moment!

While I was told to stay in the back, the funny thing is, guests were welcome to photograph to their hearts content as long as they did not use a flash.

 As a photographer, I will always abide by the rules of a church.  So, what could I do?

I had to become a guest. Seated in the aisle. Without a flash on my camera.

So I did. And it was worth it.

Jessica has an affection for horses. She worked on a farm with horses and was just giddy when she saw the carriage.

Adore this photo.

Jessie and Dave are so loved. It was evident throughout the day but you could really tell when their friends and family spoke so highly and loving of them during the toasts.

I had the great fortune of capturing both wives while their husbands spoke about the love they have for their children and the joy they have knowing their children are going to live happily ever after.

Fun times on the dance floor…

Thank you Jessie, Dave, and your wonderful families for allowing me to feel so welcome while capturing your big day.


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  • LizJuly 1, 2012 - 2:16 pm

    They are beautiful! Great job!!ReplyCancel