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Goodbye Summer

This summer has been one of my favorite ones so far. We didn’t go anywhere spectacular. We didn’t have any major things happen. We just lived. I hate to see the summer go. I love the heat, the sun, the long days.

I loved spending so much time with my kids.

This summer, we showed them St. Louis with our ‘stay-cation’. Their first time having a ‘fondue party and a sleepover’ in the hotel (check out those candy coated faces and the fun we had jumping on the beds!). This was their first trip up inside the arch. Our first time together at the City Museum. Roman’s first year of t-ball. Trips to the ice-cream shoppe. We went to a Cards game, Tower Grove Farmers Market, Soulard Farmers Market, played in the sprinklers, the sandbox, the park. We ate from food trucks. We went to the drive in. We went to VBS, festivals, carnivals and fairs.

This summer was the perfect summer. I hate to see it go. (Didn’t I already say that? Yes, I hate it that much.)

Can there be anything better than family photos that describe just who you are? Kelly captured our love and spirit for summer fun just perfectly.

While I hate to see the summer end. I get so excited for what next year’s summer months will bring. This post brings so many smiles to my face and I can’t wait to do so much more with my little guys as they get bigger.

So, goodbye summer, I’ll miss you dearly. But thank you, thank you for the memories.

See you next year!

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