Donna Harris Photography bio picture

Happy Birth-Week, Milo!

If you hate reading about my personal life, or think I show off my kids photos too much, and get tired of me sharing intimate things like breastfeeding or changing poopy diapers… I’m warning you:

Stop. Reading. Now.

My baby boy’s 1st birthday is coming up! Since he’s been born, I’ve taken a photo every day. Yes. EVERY day. Now I’m going through all my photos trying to figure how to best present his first year in print. I thought I wanted to do a photobook that compiled every day but then I think I want to be able to add text and stories to it. Then I thought maybe a magazine spread of just 365 photos with no words would be fun. But I’m having a hard time. I mean, do I just dedicate this year to Milo? No, I can’t do that. So do I just do a year of our family and print out several so that as the kids get older they can each own their own book? I’m not quite sure yet. When I figure it out, I’ll let you know. (or if you’ve got suugestions, comment below – just don’t give me any scrapbooking ideas – I HATE HATE HATE scrapbooking with a passion!) As usual, I’m doing things last minute so I quite haven’t gotten my final project figured out but I’m learning quickly what to do for the next time around and what NOT to do… But I’ll save all that for another post.

Anyway, as I’ve been going through the editing procsess for these photos, smiling as I travel down memory lane, I just can’t help but share Milo’s last year with you. Since that would be one long HUGE blog post, I’ve decided to dedicate this week to Milo’s first year of life. I’ve selected photos for his first few months for this post (which will still be a pretty huge post – so get comfy).

How quickly a baby grows from months 1-4!



This photo was the day before Milo arrived, the night I headed into the hospital. I had been in labor a few hours when this photo was taken. It was our last photo of our family of 3 (and a half – if you count my belly!).


And now a family of 4…   


– photo by Kelly Manno –


– photo by Kelly Manno –

Just minutes old. My squishy little man. The first thing I said when I held him was, “Hello Squish! You look like Danny DeVito!”




Those early days of just lounging around with a newborn are. the. best.


And all the fears of how Roman was going to accept his new little brother were quickly removed during moments like this…




First Bath at home



Visit To Great-Grandpa’s



Jasmine Star’s first CreativeLive seminar happened the weekend we got home from the hospital.

Do you think she’d be honored or disturbed that I am this dedicated?




Time with Grammie and Pa-Pa






Wrapped up in Daddy’s T-Shirt


Cradle Cap          …Christopher thought it was gross. I guess Milo thought it was funny! Photobucket

Speaking of Christopher, he loves using Milo as a source of tricks and goofs.

Like “Look I can stand and balance on Dad’s leg!”


“Hi, Mom, would you believe I just walked up all these stairs by myself at 3 weeks old!?”




This Sound Machine has worked wonders! However, Milo has always been an awesome sleeper so it makes me wonder if that’s just the way kids are born or if parents have anything to do with it. We did not have this luxury with Roman. But we were also very high-strung parents that didn’t allow the natural progression of sleep with our firstborn. While Milo loves sleep, Roman abhorrs it!


A sleeping baby makes parenting a million times better!

I have said many times, “If I could put in an order for 20 little babies that LOVE sleep, I’d do it in a heartbeat!” 🙂




Is it just because I’m a hairstylist that I love this “baby spike” so much or do you enjoy it too?


Getting Bigger! 





Sometimes a boppy makes a great pillow.







Taking care of the family: Is there anything sexier than this?! 🙂





I’ve had many people ask how I did this shot:

Simply put, I raked some leaves and brought them inside.

That’s right, this is our bedroom floor.











Oh Baby! Are you still here? We’ve made it to Christmas but that’s only four months old.

If you stick around, later this week you’ll see Milo’s growth from little roly baby to crawling, eating, smiling munchkin.

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  • Amy MeyerottAugust 15, 2011 - 9:23 pm

    I have never even met Milo and I cried all the way through this post! So precious, I wish infancy lasted longer. Happy Birthday Week!

    p.s. I am soooo going to be a copycat of the leaf pic with maddie….IF I can find some leaves.ReplyCancel

  • Shefali LindseyAugust 15, 2011 - 10:48 pm

    Donna, these pictures are beautiful! Seriously, you have an ADORABLE family!!!ReplyCancel

  • Pagette (Mom H)August 16, 2011 - 12:16 pm

    Great pics DonnaAnn! Loved every single one of them! Can’t wait for the next installment!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa SchererAugust 17, 2011 - 3:46 am

    Such a beautiful glimpse at such a too short time of life. The first year flies by, it is just awesome you have captured it so well. Little Milo will absolutely cherish these images…and I can not believe he is almost one.ReplyCancel

  • […]  Last week, you got to see Milo quickly grow from squishy little newborn to a fun-loving toddler in a matter of days. […]ReplyCancel