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Summer Lovin’ : Jessica + Jonathan

Before you pack away what’s left of your summer wardrobe and get ready for the crisp weather, take in one last moment of surf, sun, and sand with Jessica and Jonathan.



J+J went with my family to Destin, Florida – they are otherwise known to my kids as “Auntie” and “Uncle Jonathan”. They were extra help with the kids as well as great company during our week away. 


Jessica and Jonathan have been married just over a year. I love doing ‘anniversary’ sessions. The first year of marriage is such an interesting paradox in that you feel like you can feel accomplished for a whole year of being ‘one’ together, yet, there’s still so much to learn about your spouse (and yourself!).


These two are so cute together. Spending the week with them, I got to see things that aren’t obvious in these pictures. Like how great of a team they can be together. Or how funny it is to see them joke with each other. Or by seeing them help with our kids shows the great of parents they will be someday.




Congratulations J+J on your first year of marriage! Looking forward to seeing you grow together as a married couple.




SIDENOTE, DISCLAIMER, and SHAMELESS TRAVEL PLUG:  If your family travels to Destin, keep me in mind for your family photography. You think I’m joking, but I am not. I know it’s not the most exotic place but I just LOVE it. Over the past couple of years we’ve found ourselves going there more and more throughout the year.  I will take any opportunity to go…

The beach, the ocean, the sun.

…and if it involves my camera too, well that’s just heaven. 🙂

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  • Lisa SchererSeptember 7, 2011 - 1:59 pm

    I LOVE Destin…it is one of our favorite travel destinations. 🙂 These are gorgeous…I really love the sandy feet pic. I am sure they will cherish these for years to come.ReplyCancel