Donna Harris Photography bio picture

The Birth of Alethia Lynne

I am always honored to photograph this family. First, I’m happy to be a witness to a brand new niece but also, I just love Melissa. And I love Jim. And I love the love they show for each other in EVERY situation, even labor and delivery of their brand new baby daughter.

Please take a moment to view the birth of Alethia as it tells such a beautiful story of her introduction into this fantastic family:

Melissa amazes me. Not just in the delivery room but in most situations. Her perspectives, the way she handles things, her openness, and her love for Jesus shines through everything she does. Even while delivering a baby, she just SHINES.

Melissa’s labor and delivery was a natural one. While everyone doesn’t have the options or ability to have their baby naturally, Melissa makes labor look do-able, incredible, and beautiful. I’m fully confident it’s part of her personality to take on such a responsibility so gracefully. I admire everything about the way she handles her labor. I mean, the girl was about to push and was signing herself in at the front desk as calm as can be! (Yes, she barely made it on time!) The nurses really had no clue until she said, “I feel like I need to push.” Then THEY, but not her, became more anxious.

And what’s labor without a good coach? I’ve got picture proof that Jim is a fantastic coach as well as father and husband.  🙂

Those. Moments.

Those 10 minutes after she’s arrived. You can’t recreate that feeling. The joy, the relief, the new stirrings of wondering how this new family will work and the new burst of love that breaks forth that you hoped for but cannot fathom.

That moment. In this series of photos.

These next photos have to be my favorite. Maybe because I know them. But mostly because to me I see two wonderful people enjoying their precious moment together.

Welcome Home, Alethia! There is no doubt you were born into a family full of love!

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  • CaroljeanJuly 25, 2012 - 9:13 pm

    Very beautifully done!ReplyCancel

  • Thereasa GwinnJuly 26, 2012 - 12:49 am

    I love seeing this whole journey! She just glows!ReplyCancel

  • Jen DavisJuly 26, 2012 - 12:55 am

    I just have to say that these are some of the clearest, sharpest, most colorful birth images i have ever seen. Beautiful! and the newborn shots are just gorgeous as well. Wow.ReplyCancel