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Turning One is So Much Fun!


Walking, Talking, and just plain Gettin’ into Mischief makes months 9 – 11 so much more fun!

Welcome back! If you’ve been following along, this week I’ve been sharing Milo’s 1st year of life. His birthday is coming up and I wanted to show off some of his cute moments.


Since Milo’s birthday, I’ve taken a photo every day. I’ve had people say, “Surely, you haven’t been with him every day for a whole year… What do you do on those days?”
You’re right. I’ve made pretty creative choices when we aren’t together. Either way, it’s always about making memories and telling the story of his young life.

This was when we went to Florida for our anniversary and we made a Skype call back home to the boys!


Here he is with his favorite plush animals. As you’ve been reading along this week, you’ve seen the monkey and his ‘backup’ is the doggie. I’m very thankful for that backup as sometimes we leave the monkey behind at Grammie’s house!


One of Roman’s favorite things to do is to crawl into Milo’s crib and play with him just after Milo has woken up from a nap.


And sometimes, if we don’t get there quickly enough, he takes ALL of his stuffed animals and throws them onto the floor in protest.


While we’re on the subject of toys, these toys dance, sing, and talk. I don’t know what it is about talking toys that freak kids out but Roman was always scared of Wubbzy (right) and now Milo is freaked out by Brobee (left). You can see Roman sympathizes with Milo’s fears as he is trying to console him while I cruelly just take a photo of it all.



First time in a forward facing carseat!  



The kid hardley ever, EVER wears shoes.




Peek a Boo!



When he’s finished with his food, he raises his arms and says, “All Done!”



What a doll-baby with his bottle. I’ve shared my feelings on this before. So strange for me to have a child that holds his own bottle!





Out of the 365 days that I’ve taken a photo, this is truly one of my favorites. This is Milo and all his cousins playing with bubbles at Grammie’s house.





Smush face!




In case you were wondering, we do ‘fizzy tub colors’.  ….That’s why the bath is pink. 😉


 So we’ve pretty much caught up to this “not- so- little- anymore” baby’s first year.

I’m getting teary-eyed to think that it’s just days away from his birthdate and he’s growing so fast!

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  • Pagette (Mom H)August 19, 2011 - 11:59 pm

    Love, Love, LOVE the bubble pic with all my babies. Really enjoying seeing our little Milo grow so big!ReplyCancel