Donna Harris Photography bio picture

Welcome Rosalie Kathryn!

Rosalie has been born into one of the best families. ever.

She’s got 3 wonderful brothers and an adoring big sister. Being the baby in this family is going to be so much fun!

Look at this gorgeous momma! She is one of the best moms out there. Patient, kind, and able to keep her cool and sense of humor through the craziness that 5 kids will bring.

Five kids will make life crazy, for sure. But let’s not forget the love, the friendship, and the warmth a full house will bring.

All that love starts with great parents, like these two.

Ok, so, how’s this for typical?

The three big siblings ready, willing and excited to hold their baby sister…..

…while the baby of the family, (who’s no longer the baby), just wants to play superhero!

Red lips, fair skin, and a massive amount of hair are only a few good reasons to call this baby gorgeous!

Welcome home, Rosalie! A full house of love awaits you!

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