Donna Harris Photography bio picture




Been wondering what’s been going on in my little corner of the world? Well, life after baby is a never ending, and I mean NEVER ENDING whirlwind of craziness. I just got back into the swing of family photo sessions this past week but before that, I’ve just been juggling these guys.

While it’s always consuming and sometimes tiring, they will always remind me of how blessed I am. Life with these boys can be so much fun.

Roman is seriously the best big brother ever. EVER. This morning, I told him he’s going to make a great dad one day and he quickly replied, “I know that!” …As if I just asked him, “Did you know snow is cold?” He says he wants to have seven children like the “Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe” but that he won’t send them to bed without any dinner. 🙂

He loves Massimo and will ask to hold him every day. Each time he does it, it reminds me of what a privilege it is to actually hold a baby. As someone who is consistently holding the baby all day, I don’t think of how much fun it is until Roman comes in with his daily request to snuggle with Massimo. I am so grateful for my firstborn. As much as he is learning from us, he teaches me so much too!


Roman made Massimo Vinn a hip baby bracelet.


And our sweet Massimo Vinn. He goes by both names, one or the other ….or both! Vinn had found a decent sleeping routine but more importantly HE HAS FOUND HIS THUMB!!!! Yay for self soothing!


He has also found a sweet smile and will even belly laugh if you tickle his chest. 🙂

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And I’m not sure who you should be more proud of… Me, because I can pose a 2 1/2 month old like a newborn while his has his daily ‘belly nap”…. or Vinn because he sleeps this soundly in the middle of the day!


Finally, the “Jan Brady” of my bunch will never let his middle position make himself less known. As pictured up top, Milo recently got his haircut which has totally changed his look but not his personality. I can’t wait to share a post with you about it.

But for now, I’ll show show you how this kid dresses himself for the day. This, mind you, was his SECOND outfit for the morning (earlier it was Buzz Lightyear jumpsuit).

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Peanut butter washes out pretty easily out of polyester Halloween costumes, right?

So, I’m back to work now.

This adds a whole new dimension of busy-ness but I’m ready for it…. Specifically some lifestyle newborn sessions!

Pretty please let your pregnant friends know I’m back in the saddle and ready to help freeze those first precious days at home with their sweet babe.

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