Donna Harris Photography bio picture

Where do I begin?

I was super excited to check Kelly Manno’s blog to view my maternity photos and, of course, was NOT disappointed. They are incredible, don’t you think?


She is also going to be photographing this baby’s birth (…hopefully… She’s got a ‘little’ project going on called the Saint Louis Photographers Shot Party and it just happens to fall on my due date! So we’re both crossing our fingers that this baby will cooperate and either be early or late for both of our sakes! 🙂


Kelly can tell you all about how we met in her blog. The thing about Kelly is that she is privileged to be part of so many lives and on so many great occasions.


Being a sought after, award winning photographer means she has captured many pivotal moments in people’s lives. Wedding days, engagements, birthday parties, actual birth days in the hospital and much, much, more. And as much as her presence has meant in those individuals lives, I guarantee you her presence in my life has meant the world to me.


Kelly was there for MY first son’s birth. She was there for our family photos. She was there for his first birthday.

…She was also there when my brother died …and when I told her that my love for photography was the only thing that I had any sort of “life” or passion about during the dark moments of grief and depression I was experiencing after his death.

She offered me opportunites that no other photographer would be open to and has given me a chance to help turn my personal grief into something beautiful for others to enjoy while also giving me a new spark for life after losing a loved one.

As you know, photography is emotional. It’s creating an emotional experience to be captured through an image. For me, capturing a baby’s first breath or a family photo that will live on forever makes me realize that ‘to live now’ and …without regret, love the ones you have, while you have them. Photography became a way of healing for me. Again, God has blessed me with a sweet friend like Kelly. Because without her willingness, kindness, and help – I may not have realized healing after loss.


Thank you, Kelly, for the beautiful photos, for being there once again for an important moment in my life and for just being who you are. Love you!

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  • Lisa SchererJuly 1, 2010 - 3:04 am

    Donna, these images are so beautiful. Kelly did an amazing job..of course. Your family is beautiful and I couldn't agree more about all the ways photography touches peoples lives..well written.ReplyCancel

  • LeLe PhotographyJuly 2, 2010 - 8:19 pm

    That is so incredibly sweet, Donna. The pictures look great, and you are a stunning pregnant woman!! Absolutely beautiful. 🙂


  • Christy BrimmAugust 3, 2010 - 3:13 am

    What a beautiful post…and beautiful pictures. Photos are such a treasure. They will be around long after the people are gone and help those memories live on. Kelly's work is amazing, and so is yours!ReplyCancel

  • […] me. I’ve attended her workshops, asked her for help, and most importantly, become her friend. I am lucky to have her in my life for so many reasons, but again, the biggest one is the friendship. So you’ll have to excuse my biased opinion […]ReplyCancel