Donna Harris Photography bio picture

a good hairstylist = a pretty crappy photographer

“Do you still do hair?”

I get that question quite a bit and the answer is “Heck yes!” I’m in the salon every week and I love it. But “Hairstylist Donna” is a crappy crappy photographer. First off, I am too focused on my clients to even think about taking photos AND all I have at my disposal in terms of a camera is my horrible old camera phone. But, even so, I thought I’d snap a few pics throughout my day to show you my other passion, albeit very unglamorous, and the love I have for my clients.

{P.S. This is certainly not an ‘advertisement’ …please don’t think I’m looking to acquire salon clients. This is just a pretty significant part of my life and wanted to share one of my favorite days of my week: The day I work at the salon. }

Here we go!


Schedule, Consult, Formulate, Color, Shampoo, Cut, Style, Dry, Sweep and REPEAT.

The day is long, strenuous, and backbreaking. But it’s also fulfilling. I get to meet lovely people. Become their friends. Learn about their lives. Keep up with their joys and sorrows. And make them feel beautiful.

And on this particular day I happened to have two photography peers in my chair! I love how the areas of my life start to all blur together.

Life, for me, would not be as fulfilling without my camera and my scissors.

And when I get to give a little of my hair knowledge and get a little photo friendship outta the deal it’s all golden, baby.

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