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Breaking the Rules | Chela | St. Joseph’s Academy

I don’t do Senior photos. Never ever ever. But can you say “no” when your niece wants you to take her pictures? I can’t!

AAAAND I have this rule I gave myself long ago that I wouldn’t do the hair of the person I’m photographing that day. You know, the idea of wearing too many hats and being pulling in too many directions creatively. But, this is my niece for goodness sake! So of course, I offered!

(Sorry, call me a professional softie.  – No wait, don’t call me that.  –  My husband would tell you that’s a big fat lie!)

You could say I chose to break a few rules. That’s allowed every once in a while, right?

Speaking of, this girl breaks rules all the time. From the time she was really little she marched to the beat of her own drum. From making up her own outfits (Like taking her parents clothes and fashioning a belt into her own or a making an old long skirt into a dress), to her insanely crazy youtube videos and pranks she likes to pull on her friends (we’ll just call it hazing) and flitting from class to class and choosing crazy projects for classwork (like doing a Rastafarian rap for her world religions project) but still being loved by her teachers.

It was an honor to photograph this beautiful girl. She’s funny, creative, and going to move on to big things after her senior year of high school.

Love you, Chela!

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